2019 Tote Bag Design Contest Winner - Now available!

The tote bag is displayed with the winning design.

Kinokuniya Tote Bag - FIRST LIGHT

Kinokuniya Tote FIRST LIGHT bag is designed by Hope Radel, the winner of Kinokuniya Tote Bag Design Contest 2019. The contest was held on Instagram (@KinokuniyaUSA #kinotote2019) from August 1st to August 31st 2019.


As night turns to dawn, the trio keenly explores each book to uncover the serendipitous revelations that authors have hidden between the lines. They proceed with enthusiasm, knowing that books will take them to places that they have never dreamed of before.

In Sei Shōnagon's Makura no Sōshi (The Pillow Book, translated by Ivan Morris), she writes, “In spring it is the dawn that is most beautiful. As the light creeps over the hills, their outlines are dyed a faint red and wisps of purplish cloud trail over them.” Those words are thought to be written a millennium ago, yet they evoke an image that transcends eras.

About Hope Radel

Though born in the USA, Hope Radel has lived in several countries including the Philippines, Germany, and Japan, and has frequented Kinokuniya stores in Bangkok and Tokyo. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Japanese Language & Literature in 2019, and is working towards a 2020 Master of Science from Georgetown University’s Biohaz program.

While abroad, drawing became a hobby that Hope could bring with her while moving every 2-3 years and became a source of personal growth. Her art is deeply influenced by her time in Japan and university literature studies. With roots in traditional media, Hope has developed a passion for integrating her muses in digital illustration and graphic design. She has recently begun sharing her work on dedicated social media accounts – Check them out at Twitter/Instagram: @solfurica