Clean Color Dot Pens - Kuretake

Three decorated cards on the wooden table

WOW, What useful pen set by Kuretake!

Create 1mm to 5mm dots with the same writing utensil! Create beautiful flower, sun, animal patterns & more!

Images are from Kuretake official website.

ZIG Clean Color Dot Pen

Basic Drawing Techniques

Clean Dot Color Pen being pressed hard on the paper to create s 5mm dot

If you press the entire head of the dot tip onto the paper, you can draw larger dots.

Clean Dot Color Pen being pressed lightly on the paper to create a 1mm dot

If you apply soft pressure to the dot pen tip, you can draw small dots.

Drawing of leaves with Clean Dot Pen

You can draw droplet shapes by pressing down firmly onto the paper, then simultaneously moving the pen tip while releasing pressure.


ZIG: Clean Color Dot - 4 colors set

ZIG: Clean Color Dot - 12 colors set