My Neighbor Totoro
In the nearby woods are strange and delightful creatures, including a gigantic but gentle forest spirit called Totoro.
Meet Totoro and friends in charming books adapted from one of Studio Ghibli’s most beloved classics!
The Art of My Neighbor Totoro
A generous collection of concept sketches, fully rendered character and background drawings, paintings and cell images! Meet the novel's principal characters and read interviews and comments with the production staff.
Studio Ghibli Storyboard 3: My Neighbor Totoro
This storyboard collection takes you into My Neighbor Totoro frame-by-frame as you discover just what it means to draw out a storyboard. Perfect for all fans looking for some behind-the-scenes content!
My Neighbor Totoro Film Comic
Illustrated film comics from the Studio Ghibli film My Neighbor Totoro.
My Neighbor Totoro: The Novel
For the first time, and to celebrate the Anniversay of the beloved Studio Ghibli film, My Neighbor Totoro: The Novel.
My Neighbor Totoro Picture Book
Beautiful New Anniversay Edition of the celebrated Studio Ghibli film.