Academic Resources — Kinokuniya USA

Japanese e-Resources for Libraries


KinoDen - Kinokuniya Digital Library


KinoDen is Kinokuniya's Japanese academic eBook service for libraries. It’s an easy-to-use eBook library having a sophisticated eBook viewer, full-text search function, preview files, and a purchase request function.

Vendor: Kinokuniya Company Ltd.
Language: Japanese
Outright Purchase (Pick & Choose / Demand-Driven Acquisition)  


Japan Knowledge Lib

JapanKnowledge Lib

JapanKnowledge is a leading knowledge database in Japan, consisting of more than 70 dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference compilations and periodical resources. Its diverse range of content is crucial for research in humanities and social sciences.

Vendor: NetAdvance Inc.
Language: Japanese (Some content is in English)
Annual subscription (Some optional content is outright purchase.)

Nichigai / Web Service

Nichigai / Web Service

Nichigai / Web Service is the annual subscription database service via the Internet, which consists of MagazinePlus, BookPlus, and WhoPlus.

Each database provides information of magazine articles, books, and famous peoples of various sectors in Japan.

Vendor: Nichigai Associates, Inc.
Language: Japanese
Annual subscription​

Web OYA-bunko

Web OYA-bunko is an online database of Oya Soichi Library’s index. It contains indexes of approximately 5.2 million articles from the Meiji era to the present, and its database continues to be updated even now.

Language: Japanese
Annual subscription



Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search

Asahi Shimbun Cross Search is an online article database that permits easy investigation of past events. It is the largest newspaper article database in Japan, allowing searches of 16 million articles and advertisements from more than 140 years of the newspaper, from its first edition in 1879 (Meiji 12) to today.

Date range: 1879 – present
Vendor: The Asahi Shimbun Company
Language: Japanese (Some content is in English)
Annual subscription

 Asahi Shimbun Digital

Asahi Shimbun Digital

Asahi Shimbun Digital, the digital version of Japan’s leading daily newspaper Asahi Shimbun, provides the latest news released in the past 24 hours and full-page images of the past two weeks. It also enables users to search the full text articles, including clipped images from the past year, with a keyword and a publication date. The content is updated on a daily basis, and the database always includes the latest information.

Vendor: The Asahi Shimbun Company
Language: Japanese
Annual subscription 

Yomiuri Shimbun Yomidas Rekishikan

Yomiuri Shimbun Yomidas Rekishikan

Yomidas Rekishikan is a digital archive covering the entire history of newspaper publishing by The Yomiuri Shimbun in Japan. The archive’s sections are packed with helpful features. Yomidas Rekishikan contains more than 13 million articles since its first issue in 1874. It contains articles from every issue.

Date range: 1874 – present
Vendor: The Yomiuri Shimbun
Language: Japanese (Some content is in English)
Annual subscription

Mainichi Shimbun Maisaku

Mainichi Shimbun Maisaku

This database from Mainichi Shimbun allows you to search information from the Meiji eras to the present. Maisaku can revive Japan's modern history.

Date range: 1872– present
Vendor: G-Search Co., Ltd.
Language: Japanese
Annual subscription

The Japan Times Digital

The Japan Times Digital

Founded in 1897, The Japan Times is Japan's oldest and most widely read English-language newspaper. The daily newspaper and website carry news and features about Japan and the world. The Japan Times Digital delivers online articles from 1997 to the present.

Date range: 1997– present
Vendor: The Japan Times, Ltd
Language: English
Annual subscription

The Japan Times Archives

The Japan Times Archives

The Japan Times Archives is a database spanning the newspaper’s inaugural issue in 1897 to the present. It enables users to search for and read individual pages of every issue published throughout those 120 years.

Date range: 1897– last year
Vendor: The Japan Times, Ltd
Language: English
Annual subscription / Outright purchase  


Toyo Keizai Digital Contents Library (DCL)

Toyo Keizai Digital Contents Library (DCL)

An online database for libraries, providing web-based searching and browsing of the periodic publications from Toyo Keizai Inc., Japan's leading publisher in business and economics, with a history spanning more than 120 years.

Date range: 1997– last year
Vendor: Toyo Keizai Inc.,
Language: Japanese (Some content is English)
Annual subscription



WEBRONZA was rebranded to RONZA in April 2019. RONZA is a forum-like website covering five genres: Politics & international relations, economy & employment, society & sports, science & environment, and culture & entertainment. 

Vendor: The Asahi Shimbun Company
Language: Japanese
Annual subscription 

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